Psychoanalysis is a method of psychological theory that has its origins in the work of Sigmund Freud. The first assumption of this is the belief that all people have their thoughts, desires, feelings. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, thinks that everyone has a desire. He used to deal with unconscious impulses to explain human behavior. The human mind has two forms; conscious and unconscious. the conscious mind: contains everything we are aware of, while the unconscious mind contains everything outside of our awareness. Freud, the three components of the mind; it would constitute the identity of the person as identity, ego, superego.
Freud thought that all the tension came from the accumulation of libido. He also meant that the sexual accumulation of identity develops as it develops biologically. Freud emphasizes that the first five years of life are very important in forming adult identity.
The ego and superego develop satisfying feelings. Satisfaction stimulates different parts of the body.
Psychosexual Stages:
Freud argued that as children develop, they go through several psychosexual stages. And each stage makes the libido's enjoyment felt in different parts of the body.
1. The Oral Stage: the age range is 0-1. Here, the primary source of the baby takes place through the mouth. Baby; Activities such as sucking, tasting enjoy oral stimulation. If the individual is fixed at this stage, he or she may be dependent on others or addicted to smoking, which is due to asking for oral stimulation. It was known that if fixation occurred at this stage, the individual would have addiction or aggression.
2. The Anal Stage: age range 1-3: The biggest factor is toilet training. It is to control the physical needs of the child. It helps children feel productive. Freud believed that at this stage the child's sense of pleasure with her feces could arise.
3. The Phallic Stage: age range 3-6: Freud argues that the primary focus here is the genitalia. Children at this age learn the difference between men and women.
4. The Latent Period: From age 6 to adolescence: While his identity develops here, the superego also develops. This is a time when sexual energy is suppressed.
5. The Genital Stage: Puberty to Death: With the onset of puberty, libido gets activated. The individual develops sexual interest towards the opposite sex.
Consciousness and unconsciousness:
There are also two basic instincts.
Sexual Instinct (Eros): The instinct that protects vital processes and ensures the continuation of the species.
Death Instinct (Thanatos): It is the return of life to non-existence, that is, unconscious death.
Sigmund Freud; argued that the concepts of preconsciousness, consciousness, and unconsciousness play an important role in influencing behavior. To understand this theory, one's; It is important to understand what it believes it does, how it works, and how these elements affect the human experience. Each of them plays different roles. For example, the problem experienced by an individual in the past is recorded in consciousness and may cause problems in the future.
Conscious: is what we know about ourselves and our environment, that is, it consists of everything we are aware of.
Pre-consciousness: It is formed by the accumulation of many memories from things that we will consciously pay attention to if we want to.
Unconscious: The unconscious moment is everything that is outside of our thoughts and conscious awareness. At the same time, these are thought to affect our behavior.
The Case of Anna O.:
After Freud returns to Vienna, he works with Josef Breuer on hysteria. Breuer's famous case is Anna. Anna; He suffered from paralysis, convulsions, hallucinations, and loss of speech. They use the cathartic method to eliminate Anna's symptoms. The book containing the case of "Anna O" by Breuer and Freud called "Studies on hysteria" is published. In this way, Freud discovered the existence of unconscious fantasy. Freud and Breuer separated their work of disagreement, and Freud said that there are at least three levels of mind with this case.
Oedipus Complex:
The emotion of the boy towards his opposite-sex parent, the lipidic desire he feels, is called the Oedipus Complex. It includes actions such as seeing the father as a rival, getting jealous, and the desire to protect the mother from the father. In the phallic period between the ages of 3-6, the male child who is in the orientation of sexual organs or sexual differences increases the closeness to the mother. Again, the feelings of daughters, who are evident in the phallic period, towards their fathers are Electra complexity.
The Electra Complex:
The Elektra complex is the feeling of love that daughters feel for their father. Girls between the ages of 3-6 see mothers as a competitor. The father is very strong and inaccessible. Girls discover the difference between genitals. And I want to be men too tend to be. In terms of having a body that girls do not own; the father is an important figure.
Psychoanalytical Theory: CARL GUSTAV JUNG
Although Jung's early thoughts resemble Freud, he deviates completely from Freud with his theory, which he later put forward. Jung doesn't look pessimistic like Freud. While Freud was thinking about whether personality was shaped in the first five years or not, Jung; tells that the development of personality has an effect on the development of the persona, shadow, anima/animus, and self as well as childhood development. Freud, when telling the unconscious the source of wild things; Jung says it is the source of unconscious productivity and creativity. Jung did not think about the role of sexuality with Freud. also, Jung believed that there was generalized psychic energy. According to Jung, libidinal life energy shows activities depending on what is important for self, development, reproduction, and the individual. Jung does not deal with life only with sexuality. Jung's psychic energy was all about motivating the individual. Jung talked about the archetypes of persona, anima/animus, shadow, and me in the structure of personality. Persona: used to describe the outer face of the personality. The persona brings there the need to act according to the wishes and desires of society. Shadow defines the undesirable side of personality. finds aspects that the individual does not accept and functions as a garbage can. Anima/animus describes the opposite sex aspect in the unconscious of every woman and man. Anima describes the male unconscious female element, while Animus describes the female unconscious male element.
JUNG and SERPENT: The snake is the oldest mythological symbol. It represents the expression of good and evil. The snake symbol represents god, creativity, healing, and evil, harm. Jung believed that the snake was a symbol of the unconscious. He believed that if a person dreams of a snake, it heals psychological problems and trauma from early in one's life. Jung believed that the snake would see in dreams as the individual lived through times of transition and change.
Lacanian Psychoanalysis
There are three building ideas in Lacan; Neurosis, Psychosis, and Deviant. In terms of the relation between the subject and the Other, there is suppression in Neurous, denial in perversion, and inhibition in psychosis. Inhibition in psychosis is the radical exclusion of the Other. What is left out here is a fundamental issue, the Symbolic includes the Other, the father. This is the "Father-of-Name". The child is born. From the moment of birth, there is a bond between mother and child. This bond is the bond that can lead to the mother being caught up in the child and the child being swallowed by the mother. But between this bond, someone comes in, he is the father who is said to be the "savior", who makes the law.
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